Statistical Methods for Psychology

Statistical Methods for Psychology

On multiple occasions, I have taught the introductory statistics for psychology class at Northwestern University. This is a quarter long class rather than a semester long class.

This course is designed to familiarize you with the basic concepts and techniques of descriptive and inferential statistics. Emphasis is placed on understanding and interpreting data as well as on techniques of statistical analysis. A secondary goal of this course is to provide a framework from which to think critically about statistical evidence presented in the media and research reports from journals in psychology. After completing this class, you will be able to summarize data sets using a variety of descriptive statistics, test for relationships between variables, and make group comparisons using inferential statistics. You will also be able to understand scientific notation that you may encounter when reading journal articles in other courses and in your own research.

Some of the material here is not publicly available (e.g., answer keys, exams), but this site also serves as a place for me to keep information organized. Although you're free to click the links and request access to the info, unless you were a T.A. in the class, you're not likely to be given it.



Schedule (with materials corresponding to Fall 2013)

  • Week 6

    • Monday - Class Cancelled