History and Systems / Philosophy of Science

During the Spring of 2017, I taught "History and Systems/Philosophy of Science" to clinical psychology Ph.D. students at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science.  I've taught History and Systems before at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology and at Cal State, Fullerton; I reworked the class again to make it current, exciting, and applicable to our students.  Feel free to send me any input.  I anticipate revising this class some for the next time I teach it, though this was a great start; for now, this page is a work in progress... 

Syllabus (updated 2/11/17)

Assigned Readings

Other Readings Mentioned in Class

History of Some Psychological Associations

Lecture Power Points / Notes

Writing Prompts

Student Presentations from 2017


Useful Sites

I also found this series, A History of Psychology in Autobiography, to be very interesting.  I also have hard copies of the series, A History of Clinical Psychology in Autobiography, which has two volumes.

I also have hard copies of the series, A History of Clinical Psychology in Autobiography, which has two volumes.