Lab Schedule
N.B., All Monday and Wednesday Meetings can be in person (or via Zoom if scheduled). Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday meetings will be remote unless specifically arranged otherwise.
Fall 2021
Cronbach, L. J., & Meehl, P. E. (1955). Construct validity in psychological tests. Psychological Bulletin, 55, 281-302. (pdf)
Borsboom, D., Mellenbergh, G. J., & van Heerden, J. (2004). The concept of validity. Psychological Review, 117(4), 1061-1075 (pdf)
Maurun, M. & Gabriel, S. M. (2013). Illegitimate concept equating in the partial fusion of construct validation theory and latent variable modeling. New Ideas in Psychology, 31, 32-42. (pdf)
Spring 2021 (Conceptual Psychopathology/Phil of Science - pdfs coming soon)
March 1
McNeish, D., & Harring, J. (2020). Covariance pattern mixture models: Eliminating random effects to improve convergence and performance. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 947-979.(pdf)
March 15: The Nature of Psychiatric Disorders (realism, pragmatism, constructivism)
March 22: Psychiatric constructs: Categories or dimensions?
Borsboom, D., Rhemtulla, M., Cramer, A. O. J., van der Maas, H. L. J., Scheffer, M., & Dolan, C. V. (2016). Kinds versus continua: a review of psychometric approaches to uncover the structure of psychiatric constructs. Psychological Medicine, 1–13. (pdf)
Chapter 5: The nosological entity in psychiatry: a historical illusion or a moving target? Jablensky, A. In: Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry II: Nosology. Edited by K. S. Kendler & J. Parnas. (pdf)
March 29: Dysregulated adaptive mechanisms?
Nesse, R. M., & Stein, D. J. (2012). Towards a genuinely medical model for psychiatric nosology. BMC Medicine, 10(5), 1–9. (pdf)
Lilienfeld, S. O., & Marino, L. (1995). Mental Disorder as a Roschian Concept: A Critique of Wakefield ’ s "Harmful Dysfunction Analysis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 104(3), 411–420. (pdf)
Nettle, D., & Bateson, M. (2012). The Evolutionary Origins of Mood and Its Disorders. Current Biology, 22(17), R712–R721. (pdf)
Wakefield, J. C. (1992). The Concept of Mental Disorder On the Boundary Between Biological Facts and Social Values. American Psychologist, 47(3), 373–388. (pdf)
Mcnally, R. J. (2001). On Wakefield ’ s harmful dysfunction analysis of mental disorder, 39, 309–314. (pdf)
April 5: Meeting Cancelled, readings now appear on 4/19
April 19: Clinicians and mental disorders
Kim, N. S., & Ahn, W. (2002). Clinical psychologists’ theory-based representations of mental disorders predict their diagnostic reasoning and memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 131(4), 451–476. (pdf)
Meehl, P. E. (1973). Why I do not attend case conferences. In P. E. Meehl. Psychodiagnosis: Selected papers. (pp. 225 - 302) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (pdf)
May 3: Patients and mental disorders
Prins, M. A., Verhaak, P. F. M., Bensing, J. M., & Meer, K. Van Der. (2008). Health beliefs and perceived need for mental health care of anxiety and depression – The patients’ perspective explored. Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 1038–1058. (pdf)
Frewen, P. A., Schmittmann, V. D., Bringmann, L. F., & Borsboom, D. (2013). Perceived causal relations between anxiety, posttraumatic stress and depression: extension to moderation, mediation, and network analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 4(20656). (pdf)
May 10: Complexity
Bentall, R. P. (2006). Madness explained: why we must reject the Kraepelinian paradigm and replace it with a “complaint-orientated” approach to understanding mental illness. Medical Hypotheses, 66(2), 220–33. (pdf)
Borsboom, D. (2017). A network theory of mental disorders. World Psychiatry, 16, 5–13. (pdf)
Fried, E. I., & Cramer, A. O. J. (2017). Moving forward: challenges and directions for psychopathological network theory and methodology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1–22. (pdf)
Robinaugh, D. J., Hoekstra, R. H., Toner, E. R., & Borsboom, D. (2019). The network approach to psychopathology: A review of the literature 2008-2018 and an agenda for future research. Psychological Medicine, 50(3). (pdf)
Cummins, R. (2000). “How does it work?” vs. “What are the laws?” Two conceptions of psychological explanation. Explanation and Cognition, 117–144. (pdf)
May 17: Theorizing
Haig, B. D. (2018). An abductive theory of scientific method. In Method Matters in Psychology (pp. 35-64). Springer, Cham. (pdf)
Meehl, P. E. (1990). Appraising and amending theories: The strategy of Lakatosian defense and two principles that warrant it. Psychological Inquiry, 1, 108-141. (pdf)
Zachar, P. (2015). Popper, Meehl, and progress: The evolving concept of risky test in the science of psychopathology. Psychological Inquiry, 26, 279-285. (pdf)
Davis-Stober, C. P., & Regenwetter, M. (2019). The ‘paradox’ of converging evidence. Psychological Review, 126, 865–879. (pdf)
Fried, E. I. (2020). Lack of theory building and testing impedes progress in the factor and network literature. Psychological Inquiry. (pdf)
May 24: Inference
Borsboom, D., Mellenbergh, G. J., & Van Heerden, J. (2003). The theoretical status of latent variables. Psychological Review, 110, 203-219. (pdf)
Roberts, S., & Pashler, H. (2000). How persuasive is a good fit? A comment on theory testing. Psychological Review, 107, 358-367.(pdf)
Rodgers, J. L., & Rowe, D. C. (2002). Theory development should begin (but not end) with good empirical fits: A comment on Roberts and Pashler (2000). Psychological Review, 109, 599–604. (pdf)
Roberts, S., & Pashler, H. (2002). Reply to Rodgers and Rowe (2002). Psychological Review, 109, 605–607. (pdf)
Gelman, A., & Shalizi, C. R. (2013). Philosophy and the practice of Bayesian statistics. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 66, 8-38. (pdf)
Summer, 2021
June 7: Reliability/Validity
Campbell, D. T., & Fiske, D. T. (1959). Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56(2), 81-105. (pdf)
McCrae, R.R. (2014). A more nuanced view of reliability: Specificity in trait hierarchy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 7(2), 1 - 16. (pdf)
Winter 2020-2021
Cole, D. A., & Milstead, M. (1989). Behavioral correlates of depression: Antecedents or consequences? Journal of Counseling Psychology, 36(4), 408-416. (pdf)
Graesser, A. C., McNamara, D. S., Louwerse, M. M., & Cai, Z. (2004). Coh-Metrix: Analysis of text on cohesion and language. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(2), 193-202. (pdf)
Nigg, J. T., Karalunas, S. L., Feczko, E., & Fair, D. A. (2020). Toward a revised nosology for attenition-deficit/hyperactivity disorder heterogeneity. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 726-737. (pdf, supplemental material)
Goh, P.K., Lee, C. A., Martel, M. M., Fillmore, M. T., Derefinko, K. J., & Lynam, D. T. (2020). Conceptualizing the UPPS-P model of impulsive personality through network analysis: Key dimensions and general robustness across young adulthood. Journal of Personality, 88(6), 1302-1314. (pdf)
Fall 2020
Networks Part II -- Follow-Up to Winter 2017-2018 (continued)
Part C
Williams, D. R. (in press). Learning to live with sampling variability: Expected replicability in partial correlation networks. (pdf)
Williams, D. R., & Rast, P. (in press). Back to the basics: Rethinking partial correlation network methodology. (pdf)
Williams, D. R., Rhemtulla, M, Wysocki, A. C., & Rast, P. (2019). On nonregularized estimation of psychological networks. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 54(5), 719-750. (pdf; R Markdown; Web Page)
Quirin, M. Robinson, M. D., Rauthmann, J. F., Kuhl, J., Read, S. J., Tops, M., & DeYoung, C. G. (in press - 2020). The Dynamics of Personality Approach (DPA): 20 tenets for uncovering the causal mechanisms of personality. European Journal of Personality, DOI: 10.1002/per.2295 (pdf)
McNally, R. J., Mair, P., Mugno, B. L., & Riemann, B. C. (2017). Co-morbid obsessive–compulsive disorder and depression: a Bayesian network approach. Psychological Medicine, 47, 1204-1214.(pdf)
Epskamp, S., Isvoranu, A., & Cheung, M. W. (unpublished manuscript - 2020, April 1). Meta-analytic Gaussian Network Aggregation. (pdf)
Summer 2020
Networks Part II -- Follow-Up to Winter 2017-2018
Background Reading: Borsboom, D. (2017). A network theory of mental disorders. World Psychiatry, 16(1), 5-13. (pdf)
Part A
See Steinley, Hoffman, Brusco, & Sher (2017) below or here
Epskamp, S., Fried, E. I., van Borkulo, C. D., Robinaugh, D. J., Marsman, M., Dalege, J., Rhemtulla, M., & Cramer, A. O. J. (in press - 2018). Investigating the utility of fixed-margin sampling in network psychometrics. Multivariate Behavioral Research, (pdf)
Part B
Forbes, M. K., Wright, A. G. C., Markon, K. E., & Kruger, R. F. (in press - 2019). Quantifying the reliability and replicability of psychopathology network characteristics. Multivariate Behavioral Research, DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2019.1616526. (pdf)
Fried, E. I., van Borkulo, C. D., & Epskamp, S. (in press - 2019). On the importance of estimating parameter uncertainty in network psychometrics: A response to Forbes et al. (2019). Multivariate Behavioral Research, DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2020.1746903 (pdf)
Jones, P. J., Williams, D. R., & McNally. R. J. (in press). Sampling variability is not nonreplication: A Bayesian reanalysis of Forbes, Wright, Markon, & Kruger. (pdf)
Yarkoni, T. (2019, November 22). The Generalizability Crisis.
Lakins, D. (2020, January 20). "Review of "The Generalizability Crisis" by Tal Yarkoni. The 20% Statistician: A blog on statistics, methods, philosophy of science, and open science. Understanding 20% of statistics will improve 80% of your inferences.
Spring 2020
Straiss, G. P., Esfahlani, F. Z., Kirkpatrick, B., Allen, D N., Gold, J. M.,Visser, K. F., & Sayama, H. (2019). Network analysis reveals which negative symptom domains are most central in schizophrenia vs bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 45(6), 1319–1330, 2019. (pdf)
Winter, B., & Wieling, M. (2016). How to analyze linguistic change using mixed models, growth curve analysis, and generalized additive modeling. Journal of Language Evolution, 1(1), 7-18. (link, R markdown).
Epskamp, S., Rhemtulla, M.T., & Borsboom, D. (2017). Generalized Network Psychometrics: Combining Network and Latent Variable Models. Psychometrika. doi:10.1007/s11336-017-9557-x (link; pre-print archive link; supplementary codes)
Greg's Notes, Big Five Code, and Chapter
Steve Presentations
Time Series and Tweets (R Markdown)
Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2001). A theoretical basis for the major dimensions of personality. European Journal of Personality, 15, 327-353. (pdf)
Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2020). Objections to the HEXACO model of personality structure—and why those objections fail. European Journal of Personality. (pdf)
Lynam, D. R., Crowe, M. L., Vize, C., & Miller, J. D. (in press). Little evidence that honesty-humility lives outside of FFM agreeableness. European Journal of Personality. (pdf)
Phan, L. V., Modersitzki, N., Kupar, N., & Rauthmann, J. F. (in press). Comparing the nomological networks of the Big Five and HEXACO models. European Journal of Personality. (pdf)
Srivastava, S. (in press). Personality structure: Who cares? European Journal of Personality Psychology. (pdf)
Wiernik, B. M., Yarkoni, T., Giordano, C. A., & Raghaven, M. (in press). Two, five, six, eight (thousand): Time to end the dimension reduction debate! European Journal of Personality. (pdf)
Winter 2019-2020
Bedi, G.,Cecchi, G. A.,Slezak, D. F., Carrillo, F., Sigman, M., & de Wit, H. (2014). A window into the intoxicated mind? Speech as an index of psychoactive drug effects. Neuopsychopahrmacology, 39, 2340-2348. (pdf)
Infurna, F. J., & Grimm, K. J. (2018). The use of growth mixture modeling for studying resilience to major life stressors in adulthood and old age: Lessons for class size and identification and model selection. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 73(1), 148-159. (pdf)
Fong, T. C. T., & Ho, R. T. H. (2013). Factor analyses of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: A Bayesian structural equation modeling approach. Quality of Life Research: An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care & Rehabilitation, 22(10), 2857–2863. (pdf)
Fall 2019
Multilevel structural equation modeling (book, link to readings, .txt, R code)
Lane, S. T. & Gates, K. M, (2017). Automated selection of robust individual-level structural equation models for time series data. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal. 1-15. (pdf)
Winter, 2018-2019
Sisk, V. F., Burgoyne, A. P., Sun, J., Butler, J. L., & Macnamara,B. N. (2018). To what extent and under which circumstances are growth mind-sets important to academic achievement? Two meta-analyses. Psychological Science, 29(4), 549-571. (pdf)
Dweck, C. S., & Leggett, E. L. (1988). A social-cognitive approach to motivation and personality. Psychological Review, 95(2), 256-273. (pdf)
Summer 2018
Napier, J. L., Huang, J., Vonasch, A. J., & Bargh, J. A. (in press). Superheroes for change: Physical safety promotes socially (but not economically) progressive attitudes among conservatives. European Journal of Social Psychology. (pdf)
Rohrer, J. M. (in press). Thinking clearly about correlations and causation: Graphical causal models for observational data, Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Sciences, 1, xxx-yyy (pdf)
Learning R
Spring 2018
Charles, S. T., Reynolds, C. A., & Gatz, M. (2001). Age-related differences and change in positive and negative affect over 23 years. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80, 136-151. (pdf)
Rafaeli, E. & Revelle, W. (2006). A premature consensus: Are happiness and sadness truly opposite affects? Motivation and Emotion, 30, 1-12. (pdf)
Hamaker, E.L., Asparouhov, T., Brose, A., Schmiedek, F. & Muthén, B. (in press). At the frontiers of modeling intensive longitudinal data: Dynamic structural equation models for the affective measurements from the COGITO study. Multivariate Behavioral Research. (pdf)
Blagov, P. S., Patrick, C. J., Lilienfeld, S. O., Powers, A. D., Phifer, J. E., Venables, N., Hudak, M., Herres, D. J., Leib, K., Garvin Leigh, S. C., & Cooper, G. (2011). Personality constellations in incarcerated psychopathic man. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 2, 293-315. (pdf)
Morina, N., Ijntema, H., Meyerbröker, K., & Emmelkamp, P. M. G. (2015). Can virtual reality exposure gains be generalized to real-life? A meta-analysis of studies applying behavioral assessments. Behavior Research and Therapy, 74, 18-24. (pdf)
Winter, 2017-2018
Personality and Networks (a relevant link) (a second relevant link)
Borsboom, D., Fried, E., Epskamp, S., Waldorp, L. J., van Borkulo, C. D., Van der Maas, H. L. J., & Cramer, A. O. J. (in press). False alarm? A comprehensive reanalysis of "Evidence that psychopathology symptom networks have limited replicability" by Forbes, Wright, Markon, and Krueger. (pdf)
Steinley, D., Hoffman, M., Brusco, M. J., & Sher, K. J. (2017). A method for making inferences in network analysis: Comment on Forbes, Wright, Markon, and Krueger (2017). Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126(7), 1000-1010. (pdf)
Forbes, M. K., Wright, A. C., Markon, K. E., & Krueger, R. F. (2017). Further evidence that psychopathology networks have limited replicability and utility: Response to Borsboom et al. (2017) and Steinley et al. (2017). Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126(7), 1011-1016. (pdf)
Epskamp, S., Fried, E. I., van Borkulo, C. D., Robinaugh, D. J., Marsman, M., Dalege, J., Rhemtulla, M., & Cramer, A. O. J. (in press). The right answer to the wrong question: Utility of fixd-margin sampling in network psychometrics.(pdf)
Mixed Emotions
Cacioppo, J. T., Gardner, W. L., & Berntson, G. G. (1997). Beyond bipolar conceptualizations and measures: The case of attitudes and evaluative space. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 1(1), 3-25. (pdf)
Schimmack, U. (2001). Pleasure, displeasure, and mixed feelings: Are semantic opposites mutually exclusive? Cognition and Emotion, 15(1), 81-97. (pdf)
Larsen, J. T., McGraw, A. P., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2001). Can people feel happy and sad at the same time? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(4). 684-696. (pdf)
Rafaeli, E. & Revelle, W. (2006). A premature consensus: Are happiness and sadness truly opposite affects? Motivation and Emotion. 30, 1-12. (pdf)
Rafaeli, E., Rogers,G. M., & Revelle, W. (2007). Affective synchrony: Individual differences in mixed emotions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 915-932. (pdf)
Fall, 2017
Wright, A. G. C., Gates, K. M., Arizmendi, C., Lane, S., Woods, W. C., & Edershile, E. A. (in press). Focusing personality assessment on the person: Modeling general, shared, and person specific processes in personality and psychopathology. Psychological Assessment. (pdf)
Forbes, M. K., Wright, A. G. C, Markon, K. E., & Kruger, R. F. (in press). Evidence that psychopathology symptom networks have limited replicability. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. (pdf)
May, 2017
Epskamp, S. Waldorp, L. J., Mõttus, R., & Borsboom, D. (under review). Discovering psychological dynamics: The Gaussian graphical model in cross-sectional and time-series data. Multivariate Behavioral Research. (pdf)
March, 2017
Van Horn, M. L., Jaki, T., Masyn, K., Landesman Ramey, S., Smith, J. A., & Antaramian, S. (2009). Assessing differential effects: Applying regression mixture models to identify variations in the influence of family resources on academic achievement. Developmental Psychology, 45(5), 1298–1313. doi:10.1037/a0016427. (pdf)
Kaplan, D. (2005). Finite mixture dynamic regression modeling of panel data with implications for dynamic response analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 30(2), 169-187. (pdf)
Pages from Chapter 7 of the Mplus Manual on Regression Mixture Modeling
Fried, E., I., & Cramer, A. O. J. (in press). Moving forward: challenges and directions for psychopathological network theory and methodology. Perspectives on Psychological Science. (pdf, R code)
Borsboom, D. (2017). A network theory of mental disorders. World Psychiatry, 16(1), 5-13. (pdf)
September, 2016
Plunkett, S. W. (no date). Tips on poster presentations at professional conferences. [Retrieved September 13, 2016 from:]. (pdf)
July, 2016
Nagin, D. S. (1999). Analyzing developmental trajectories: A semiparametric group-based approach. Psychological Methods, 5(2), 139-157. (pdf)
April, 2016
Maydeu-Olivares, A., & Coffman, D. L. (2006). Random intercept item factor analysis. Psychological Methods, 11(4), 344-362. (pdf)
Borsboom,. D. Rhemtulla, M., Cramer, A. O. J., van der Maas, H. O. J., Scheffer, M., & Dolan, C. V. (in press). Kinds versus continua: a review of psychometric approaches to uncover the structure of psychiatric constructs. Psychological Medicine, XX, YY-ZZ. (pdf)
Masyn, K., Henderson, C. E., Greenbaum, P. E. (2010). Exploring the latent structures of psychological constructs in social development using the dimensional–categorical spectrum. Social Development, 19(3), 470-493. (pdf)
March, 2016
Rimfeld, K., Kovas, Y., Dale, P. S., & Plomin, R. (in press). True grit and genetics: Predicting academic achievement from personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. (pdf)
February, 2016
Parkinson, B., & Totterdell, P. (1999). Classifying affect-regulation strategies. Cognition & Emotion, 13(3), 277-303. (pdf)
January, 2016
Ahola , K., Hakanen, J., Perhoniemi, R., Mutanen, P. (2014). Relationship between burnout and depressive symptoms: A study using the person-centered approach. Burnout Research, 1, 29-37. (pdf)
Catanzaro, S. J., & Mearns, J. (1990). Measuring generalized expectancies for negative mood regulation: Initial scale development and implications. Journal of Personality Assessment, 54, 546-563. (pdf)
Gross, J.J. (1998). The emerging field of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Review of General Psychology, 2, 271-299. (pdf)
December, 2015
Ruscio, J., Ruscio, A. M., & Carney, L. M. Performing taxometric analysis to distinguish categorical and dimensional variables. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 2(2), 170-196. (pdf)
Ruscio, J., Walters, G. D., Marcus, D. K., & Kaczetow, W. (2010). Comparing the relative fit of categorical and dimensional latent variable models using consistency tests. Psychological Assessment, 22(1), 5-21. (pdf)
Trull, T.J., Solhan, M. B., Tragesser, S. L., Jahng, S., Wood, P. K., Piasecki, T. M., & Watson, D. (2008). Affective instability: Measuring a core feature of borderline personality disorder with ecological momentary assessment. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117(3), 647-661. (pdf)
November, 2015
No Articles
October, 2015
Franche, V., & Gaudrea, P. (in press - January, 2016). Integrating dispositional perfectionism and within-person variation of perfectionism across life domains into a multilevel extension of the 2 x 2 model of perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 89, 55-59. (pdf)
Hewitt, P. L., Flett, G. L., Turnbull-Donovan, W., & Mikail, S. F. (1991). The multidimensional perfectionism scale. Psychological Assessment, 3, 464-468. (pdf)
September, 2015
Callahan, J. L., Hogan, L. R., Klonoff, E. A., & Collins, F. L., Jr. (2014). Predicting match outcomes: Science, practice, and personality. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8, 68-82. (pdf)
Frost, R. O., Marten, P. Lahart, C., & Rosenblate, R. (1990). The dimensions of perfectionism. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 14, 449-468. (pdf)
Gnilka, P. B., Ashby, J. S., & Noble, C. M. (2013). Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism as mediators of adult attachment styles and depression, hopelessness, and life satisfaction. Journal of Counseling and Development, 91, 78-86. (pdf)
Preacher, K. J., Zhang, Z., & Zyphur, M. J. (in press). Multilevel structural equation models for assessing moderation within and across levels of analysis.Psychological Methods. (pdf) (appendix)
Slaney, R. B., Rice, K. G., Mobley, M., Trippi, J., & Ashby, J. S. (2001). The revised almost perfect scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 34, 130-145. (pdf)
van de Schoot, R., Kaplan, D., Denissen, J., Asendorpf, J. B., Neyer, F. J., & van Aken, M. A. (2014). A gentle introduction to Bayesian analysis: Application to developmental research (pdf) (appendix)
West, S. G., Ryu, E., Kwok, O.-M., & Cham, H. (2011). Multilevel modeling: Current and future applications in personality research. Journal of Personality, 79, 2-49. (pdf)
August, 2015
Baumeister, R. F., & Leary, M. R. (1997). Writing narrative literature reviews. Review of General Psychology, 1, 311-320. (pdf)
Bem, D. J. (1995). Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin. Psychological Bulletin, 118(2), 172-177. (pdf)
Bem, D. J. (2002). Writing the empirical journal article. In J. M., Darley, M. P. Zanna, & H. L. Roediger III (Eds.), The compleat academic: A career guide. (pp. xx-yy). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (pdf)
Cronbach, L. J. (1957). The two disciplines of scientific psychology. American Psychologist, 12(11), 671-684. (pdf)
Davis, M. S. (1971). That’s interesting!: Towards a phenomenology of sociology and a sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1, 309–344. (pdf)
Garrison, A. M., Kahn, J. H., Miller, S. A., & Sauer, E. M. (2014). Emotional avoidance and rumination as mediators of the relation between adult attachment and emotional disclosure. Personality and Individual Differences, 70, 239-245. (pdf)
Nesselroade, J. R. (2010). On an emerging third discipline of scientific psychology. In P. C. M. Molenaar & K. M. Newell (Eds.), Individual pathways of change: Statistical models for analyzing learning and development. (pp. 209--218). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (pdf)
Preacher, K. J., Zyphur, M. J., & Zhang, Z. (2010). A general multilevel SEM framework for assessing multilevel mediation. Psychological Methods, 15, 209-233. (pdf)
Rosenthal, R. (1995). Writing meta-analytic reviews. Psychological Bulletin, 118, 183-191. (pdf)
July, 2015
Steve CHP Talk
Basto, M., & Pereira, J. M. (2012). An SPSS R-Menu for ordinal factor analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 46(4), 1-29. (pdf)
Barrett, L. F. (2006). Solving the emotion paradox: Categorization and the experience of emotion. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(1), 20-46. (pdf)
Barrett, L. F., & Barrett, D. (2015, July 5). Brain scientist: How Pixar's 'Inside Out' gets one thing deeply wrong. Retrieved from [].
Gendron, M., & Barrett, L. F. (2009). Reconstructing the past: A century of ideas about emotion in psychology. Emotion Review, 1(4), 316-339. (pdf).
Meehl, P. E. (1992). Factors and taxa, traits and types, differences of degree and differences in kind. Journal of Personality, 60, 117-174. (pdf)
Meehl, P. E. (1995). Bootstraps taxometrics: Solving the classification problem in psychopathology. American Psychologist, 50, 266-274. (pdf)
Meehl, P. E., & Yonce, L. J. (1994). Taxometric analysis: I. Detecting taxonicity with two quantitative indicators using means above and below a sliding cut (MAMBAC procedure). Psychological Reports, 74, 1059-1274. (pdf)
Meehl, P. E., & Yonce, L. J. (1996). Taxometric analysis: II. Detecting taxonicity using covariance of two quantitative indicators in successive intervals of a third indicator (MAXCOV procedure). Psychological Reports, 78, 1091-1227. (pdf)
Revelle, W. (2015). psych: Procedures for Personality and Psychological Research. R package version 1.5.1,
Ruscio's Taxometrics Page
June, 2015
May 2015
Comensoli, A., & MacCann, C. (2015). Emotion appraisals predict neuroticism and extraversion: A multilevel investigation of the Appraisals in Personality (AIP) model. Journal of Individual Differences, 36, 1-10. (pdf)
Hedeker, D., Mermelstein, R.J., Berbaum, M.L., & Campbell, R.T. (2009). Modeling mood variation associated with smoking: An application of a heterogeneous mixed-effects model for analysis of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) data. Addiction, 104, 297-307. (pdf) (SAS code - Hedeker handout)
April, 2015
Bradley, M. M., & Lang, P. J (2007). The International Affective Picture System (IAPS) in the study of emotion and attention. In J. A. Coan & J. J. B. Allen (Eds.). Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment (pp. 29 - 46). New York: Oxford University Press. (pdf)
Pe, M. K., Kircanski, K., Thompson, R. J., Bringmann, L. F., Tuerlinckx, F., Mestdagh, M., Mata, J., Jaeggi, S. M., Buschkuehl, M., Jonides, J., Kuppens, P., & Gotlib, I. H. (2015). Emotion-network density in major depression. Clinical Psychological Science, 3(2), 292-300. (pdf) (Related R code by Sacha Epskamp)
Salerno, A., Laran, J., & Janiszewski, C. (2014). Hedonic eating goals and emotion: When sadness decreases the desire to indulge. Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 135-151. (pdf)
Wigman, J. T. W., van Os, J., Borsboom, D., Viechtbauer, W., Wardenaar, K. J., Myin-Germeys, I., & Wichers, M. (in press). Exploring the underlying structure of mental disorders: cross-diagnostic differences and similarities from a network perspective using both a top-down and a bottom-up approach. Psychological Medicine. (pdf)
March, 2015
Barrett, L. F., Gross, J., Conner, T., & Benvenuto, M. (2001). Knowing what you’re feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. Cognition and Emotion, 15(6), 713-724. (pdf)
Kashdan, T. B., Barrett, L. F., & McKnight, P. E. (2015). Unpacking emotion differentiation: Transforming unpleasant experience by perceiving distinctions in negativity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(1), 10-16. (pdf)
Quoidbach, J., Gruber, J., Mikolajczak, M., Kogan, A., Kotsou, I & Norton, M. I. (in press). Emodiversity and the emotional ecosystem. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. (pdf)
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Tugade, M. M., Fredrickson, B. L., & Barrett, L. F. (2004). Psychological resilience and emotional granularity: Examining the benefits of positive emotions on coping and health. Journal of Personality, 72, 1161 – 1190. (pdf)
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Topper, M., Molenaar, D., b, Emmelkamp, P. M. G., & Ehring, T. (2014). Are rumination and worry two sides of the same coin? A structural equation modelling approach, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 5(3), 363-381. (pdf)
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Snyder, C. R., Harris, C., Anderson, J. R., Holleran, S. A., Irving, L. M., Sigmon, S. X., Yoshinobu, L., Gibb, J., Langelle, C., & Harney, P. (1991). The will and the ways: Development and validation of an individual-differences measure of hope. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60(4), 570-585. (pdf)
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Fleeson, W., & Jayawickreme, E. (in press). Whole trait theory. Journal of Research in Personality. (pdf)
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Bryant, F. B., & Cvengros, J. A. (2004). Distinguishing hope and optimism: Two sides of a coin, or two separate coins? Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23(2), 273-302. (pdf)
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Robinson-Whelen, S., Kim,C.T., MacCallum,R.C., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (1997). Distinguishing optimism from pessimism in older adults: Is it more important to be optimistic or not to be pessimistic?. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(6), 1345-1353. (pdf)
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R Resources
Articles about Psychological Organizations
Benjamin, L. T. (1979). The Midwestern Psychological Association: A history of the organization and its antecedents, 1902-1978. American Psychologist, 34, 201-213. (pdf)
Cautlin, R. L. (2009). The founding of the Association for Psychological Science: Part 1: Dialectical tensions with organized psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4, 211-223. (pdf)
Cautlin, R. L. (2009). The founding of the Association for Psychological Science: Part 2: The tipping point and early years. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4, 224-235. (pdf)
Miller/Gnilka Grant Materials
2015/2016 Grant Intent Letter
2015/2016 Grant Submission
2015/2016 Grant Evaluation
Miller/Jason Grant Materials
2017 Grant Evaluation
Greenley / Tran / Miller/Buscemi Grant Materials
2017 Grant Materials
National Cancer Institute PAR-18-681
Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control
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