
More to come!

Here's a photo from September, 2021. Samantha (b. 2017) wants to be an astronaut.

I plaid an open mic with my teacher, James Weigel, on 9/14/19 -- before the pandemic

I performed Dan and Jessica's wedding on May 17, 2014; they asked me if I would wed

them "in statistical matrimony." Readings from the Book (or at least paper) of Cohen (1968) were on the agenda..

On August 7, 2014, my friend and colleague Nancy Segal won the William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association for her book on the Minnesota Twins Study. Nancy invited Mo and I to her talk, drinks, and dinner. Her post-doc mentor, Tom Bouchard, was receiving the American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement. Mo and I gladly attended. I was able to have a great conversation with Tom and Nancy gave a great talk. It was nice to meet her family and friends, too.

Mo and I were married on October 27, 2013. Alison made the wonderful video below.

Here is a link to Renee's "The Story of Steve and Mo."

I started working at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science on August 15, 2013.

In October of 2012, I received the Alumnus of the Year award from the Illinois State University Department of Psychology. Jef Kahn (top left) with whom I was a TA and GA nominated me for it (we've also published together back when I was in grad school and since October). There was a nice dinner and I sat with my thesis committee, Sam Catanzaro (who I have also published with since then) and Jeff Laurent.

During the summer of 2012, I had the opportunity to teach a course in Social Psychology

in Berlin and Amsterdam. After the class, I traveled around Europe. This photo is taken in

Poland with my family there.

When I was at Cal State, Fullerton, I was part of a student fund raiser.