Grant Activity

Grant Activity

In Progress

Department of Defense $399.989

HT9425-24-1-0606 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2026 

Project: Walk-Related Performance Fatigability as a Novel Marker of Fall Risk

 in Lower Limb Prosthesis Users with Diabetes 

Role:  Co-Investigator

Project PI:  Noah Rosenblatt, Ph.D.

National Institute of Health $2,753,727 

R01 (1R01AI182217 - 01) 04/2024- 4/2029 

Project:  Enhancing memory B cell response via host-directed therapy

Role:  Co-Investigator

Project PI:  Rahul Vijay, DVM, Ph.D.




  National Institute on Aging   $429,000

   R21 (1-R21-AG075674)                                                                                           7/1/2022 - 6/30/2024

        Project:        The development of gene therapeutic approaches to suppress

   cerebral inflammation in dementia 

        Role: Co-Investigator

        Project PI:      Robert Marr, Ph.D.  


     National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases $849,569

        R01 (1-R01-DK131303-01A1)                                                                                  7/1/2022 - 6/30/2025

        Project:           Improving Diabetic Foot Ulcer Offloading: A Pilot Study on the Impact

  of Removable Cast Walker Design Factors on Usability 

        Role:  Biostatistician

        Project PI:      Noah Rosenblatt, Ph.D. & Ryan Crews, Ph.D.    

National Institute of Mental Health         $805,616

R01 (1-R01-MH130375-01)                                                                                                               7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024

      Project:        A longitudinal and experience sampling investigation of rejection sensitivity and its 

role in sexual minority adolescent mental health

        Role:               Co-Investigator

        Project PI:      Brian Feinstein, Ph.D.  

        National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases $1,950,000

        R01 (R01-AI-141596)                                                                                                             11/15/2018 – 10/31/2023


        Project:         Molecular regulation of TLR2-mediated autoimmune inflammation  

        Role:               Co-Investigator

        Project PI:       Joseph Reynolds, Ph.D.     

Department of Defense                                                                                                                            $499,596 

      U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command  Congressionally Directed Medical Research  Programs      Fall 2017 - Spring 2020  

             Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs

  Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program Prosthetics Outcomes Research Award - Funding Level 2 - Clinical Trial

      Project:      Targeting Balance Confidence as a Strategy to Increase Integration and Improve Outcomes in Users of Lower-Limb Prostheses 

      Role:          Statistics Consultant

      Project PI:  Noah Rosenblatt, Ph.D.

        Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science/DePaul University                                      $96,646

        Collaborative Research Grant                                             4/1/2017 - 6/30/2018

        Project:        Psychosocial stressors and physical health symptoms predicting health behaviors among undergraduate students

        Role:            Co-Investigator

        Project PIs:  Rachel Greenley, Ph.D. & Susan Tran, Ph.D.

      National Institute of Child Health and Human Development                                 $2,888,428

       R01(NIH # R01-HD-072293)                        7/5/2013 - 4/30/2018

       Project: Social ecology and the prevention of suicide and aggression in African American youth    

       Role:     Statistics Consultant

       Project PI: LaVome Robinson, Ph.D. & Leonard Jason, Ph.D. – DePaul University

        Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science/DePaul University                                           $34,845

        Collaborative Research Grant                                                                                                                      12/1/2015 - 3/31/2017

    Project:   An evaluation of viral prevalence and activity in patients with multiple sclerosis 

    Role:        Statistics Consultant

    Project PIs:  David Everly, Ph.D., Joseph Reynolds, Ph.D., & Matthew Sorenson, Ph.D.       

       Northwestern University                            $5,000

       Northwestern University Faculty Research Grant                                              9/2013 - 8/2014

        Project:   A Longitudinal Investigation of Body Image Disturbance in College Women     

        Role:         Statistics Consultant

        Project PI:  Renee Engeln, Ph.D. - Northwestern University        

    National Institute of Mental Health                                                              $167,372  

         K01 Award (UIC PAF 2009-06029; NIH # 5-K01-MH-089729)                   1/2010 - 1/2015        

    Project:     Faith-based HIV prevention for African American Mothers and Daughters

    Role:    Statistics Consultant

    Project PI: Chisina Kapungu Kamba, Ph.D. - University of Illinois, Chicago

    Center for Disease Control                                                                                  $383,817

        Grant #1H75DP001814-01                                                                                     9/1/2008 – 8/31/2009    

        Center Grant:     The Transdisciplinary Approach to Prevent Obesity: From Infancy to Adulthood”    

        Center Director:  Shari McMahan, Ph.D. - Dept. of Kinesiology - California State University, Fullerton

        Project: “Latina Mothers´ Feeding Decisions”        

        Role:     Co-PI

        Project PI:  Jie Weiss, Ph.D. - California State University, Fullerton


        California State University, Fullerton                                                                 $980

        Faculty Development Center

        Faculty-Student Research/Creative Activity Grant

        Project: “Differentiating Perceived and Measured Physiological Correlates of Anxiety”

        Role:     PI (with Lindsey S. Mills)


        California State University, Fullerton                                                             $6,500

        Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

        Probationary Faculty Stipend for Research toward Tenure

        Project: “Intra-individual variability in anxiety and personality”

        Role:     PI


        California State University, Fullerton                                                             $4,523

        Office of Grants and Contracts

        Special Fund for Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Mini-Grant

        Project: “Understanding the Dimensions Involved in Mood Regulation”

        Role:     PI


        Loyola University Chicago - Psychology Department                                     $1,200

        Research Initiative Grant (w/ James E. Johnson, Ph.D.) 

        Project: “Using Trait Physiological Hyperarousal to Predict Daily Experiences of Anxiety”               

        Role:     PI (with James E. Johnson, Ph.D.)


        Illinois State University - Graduate School                                                     $400


        (Internal grant in support of thesis and dissertation research)

        Project: “The Effects of Anxiety and Depression on Decision-Making”

    Role:     PI (supervised by Salvatore J. Catanzaro, Ph.D.)

Previously Submitted

National Cancer Institute PAR-18-681

Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control

Pink Sheets from March, 2018

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